在漫漫历史长河中,科技与时尚从来不是一对好伙伴。根据电影导演James Lima的观点,在革新举措似乎未达目的情况下,整个行业必须着眼于更新、更有挑战性的方向。在康泰纳仕国际奢侈品行业研讨会第二日现场,他在演讲中表示,未来的方向就在人工智能技术之中。
“有些人热衷收藏大牌设计师服装。想象一下你此刻正置身拍卖会现场,而Angelina Jolie穿过的裙子正在出售。她可能把植入AI的部分稍稍磨损了些,但她还留下了自己的痕迹在那儿。所以感觉就像是Angelina的某位朋友现在成了你的友人,”Lima举了个生动的例子。
Wired Consulting总监Sophie Hackman提醒大家,是时候跟上科技发展的脚步了
十分重要的一点是,他坚信包含AI技术的服装应当由时装设计师进行设计,这样才能确保对大众有足够的吸引力(也才能实在地挣到钱)。科学并不像有些人想象得那样遥不可及。正如Wired Consulting总监SophieHackman前一日所言,科技已是日新月异。
Scarlett Conlon自首尔康泰纳仕国际奢侈品行业研讨会现场报导
Film Director James Lima sees how sci-fi fantasy could be a reality for fashion
Picture credit: InDigital
TECHNOLOGY AND FASHION have historically not been the best of bedfellows. With what seems like innovation falling short of the mark, the industry must look in new and challenging directions, according to film director James Lima. He told the Condé Nast International Luxury Conference today that the future lies in artificial intelligence.
"Think of AI as software… it is a thinking, learning software, but it needs to be one that has feeling. If we start to create 'branded characters' with AI, what will happen is that we'll start to define what [technology] shouldn't be," he said, explaining that consumers could have a deeper relationship with the objects around them if they could enjoy an emotional attachment that technologies like AI can afford.
"How would it work? Small packets of software would be woven into the clothes," he explained, "and it should connect with a cloud AI [to backup]." Earrings, sunglasses and necklaces are the obvious products to start with, he continued, given their close proximity to the ear and the mouth for communication methods.
Could earrings be the next communication devices?
Picture credit: InDigital
It's not an easy concept to relate to, as the future doesn't look like anything we are currently aware of, but essentially the idea is that clothes would become 'smarter', and in turn the wearer would develop an attachment that stretches far beyond loving a certain cut. Instead it would be a personal attachment. This then, of course, become transferable.
"Some people love to collect designer clothes. Imagine you're at an auction, and Angelina Jolie's dress comes up for sale. She might have rubbed a little of the AI out, but she's left something in. So what was once Angelina's friend is now your friend," offered Lima by way of example.
Wired Consulting Director Sophie Hackman warns it's time to catch up with technology
Picture credit: InDigital
Crucially, he believes that fashion designers should be the ones to design the clothes in which AI would be incorporated, so as to have mass appeal (and therefore actually make money). It's science that isn't as far off as some may think. As WiredConsulting's Sophie Hackford said yesterday, the technology has already left the gate.